On Landscape Magazine

Just a quick one to say I’ve written an article for the recently published issue 148 of “On Landscape” magazine (the rather excellent online Landscape Photography magazine). They asked me to write an “Endframe” piece for them a couple of months back, and it’s just surfaced.
The actual page of the piece is HERE, so do drop by and have a look if you have a spare moment (you should be able to read it with a free subscription)…
I wrote it specifically about one of my favourite photographs, The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, USA, 2009 by Sebastiao Salgado. As many of you will know, Salgado is a truly extraordinary photographer… if you’d like to know more, his wiki page is HERE… well worth catching up on his remarkable back catalogue.
bill ward on landscape on landscape magazine photography sebastiao salgado
Bill Ward
November 30, 2017
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