Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards 2017

International Photographer of the Year 2016

Am very pleased to be able to say that I had a couple of shots shortlisted for Take a View Landscape Photographer of the Year this year. The competition is the gold standard for Landscape Photography here in the UK and is legendarily fierce (20,000 plus entries per year). They also tend to be pretty strict about what you’re allowed to say, and when you’re allowed to say it (which is fair enough I think).
Anyway, the finalists were announced at the weekend… didn’t make the book/exhibition this year, but delighted to have had 2 shortlisted for the final round of judging. The above shot “In Search of…” was taken on a beautiful sunbeam lit autumn afternoon at Hardcastle Crags in Calderdale, West Yorkshire. My other shortlisted shot, “Greyfield Wood, Waterfall II” was taken at Greyfield Wood in Somerset in the autumn of last year.
Congrats to all the successful entrants this year. The Winner (Diminutive Dune, by Benjamin Graham) is an absolute belter I think. Do drop by the free exhibition at London Waterloo if you’re passing (starts Nov 20th)… always worth a look.
landscape photographer of the year take a view 2017 shortlisted shortlist
Bill Ward
October 18, 2017
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