Tag:bill ward
Just a quick one to say I’ve written an article for the recently published issue 148 of “On Landscape” magazine (the rather excellent online Landscape Photography magazine). They asked me to write an “Endframe” piece for them a couple of months back, and it’s just surfaced. The actual page of the piece is HERE, so do drop by and have a look if you have a spare moment (you should be able to read it with a free subscription)… I […]
Very pleased to say that four of my pieces of work have received Nominations at the 2016-17 Fine Art Photography Awards. The Awards are a showcase for the best of international fine art photography, and receive thousands of submissions from all over the world. My work was nominated as follows: Distant Peaks (a series of photographs I shot at the Chalke Valley History Festival) in the Open Category, Together We Are Beautiful (a series of photographs I shot on the […]
Just a quick post to say I was delighted to receive a couple of Honourable Mentions recently at the 2016 International Photographer of the Year Awards. The awards attract thousands of entries from all over the world, and the standard is pretty impressive, so delighted to have had some of my work recognised. I had two series of photographs which made the cut: my photographic essay on the incoming tide at Holkham Bay, Norfolk called “Softly She Creeps” was awarded […]
Judy Darley, who is both a journalist and author, runs a rather excellent blog called SkyLightRain, for writers, artists and creatives. She came across my work at an exhibition last year, and very kindly interviewed me about it a couple of weeks ago. If you’d like to read the interview in full, then do by all means have a look here. She updates her blog pretty much on a daily basis, and it’s full of artistic inspiration, writing prompts etc, […]
Am delighted to say that my photograph “Rainbow Falls” will be on display in the Art and Photography zone at Countryfile Live at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire from 4th – 7th August 2016. The photograph, which won the Adobe Prize at last year’s Take a View Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards, has been chosen as one of only 12 photographs from the last 9 years of the competition to go on display. Do drop by and have a look!
I’m delighted to say that Lauren Scott has just written a lovely article on my photograph “Rainbow Falls” in the current issue (170) of Digital Photographer Magazine. It appears in their “Story Behind the Still” feature, and gives a bit of background on how the photograph came about, the idea behind the composition and how I physically went about taking it. Do drop by and have a look if you have a moment…
Just a quick post to say that the rather excellent online landscape photography magazine, On Landscape, are currently showing a mini portfolio of four of my photographs in their “4×4” feature. The photographs were taken on a trip to North Norfolk earlier this year. Do pay a visit to On Landscape if you’d like to have a look…
Just a quick post to say that I’m delighted to be appearing at The Rochdale Literature and Ideas festival, which takes place in Rochdale between Friday 23rd and Sunday 25th October. I’ll be in conversation with the excellent people at All Across the Arts on Sunday 25th October, at 4pm, at the Church of St Edmund in Rochdale. The conversation will cover my approach to both my photography and acting work, how one feeds the other, and I’ll also be […]