Pentax Ambassador Film
Pentax Ambassador Film
February 11, 2019

Hi all. Above is a short film I helped make for Pentax, who I’m a Brand Ambassador for, a few weeks ago up in Northumberland. It’s essentially about the photographs I take, and why I take them. It was shot over a day on location at Stag Rocks, Bamburgh and Budle Bay, and was directed and edited by Matty Graham Photography, who I think’s done a totally fab job, and who I had a great time working with. Thanks again Matty for all your help, thanks too to brilliant painter and gallery owner Mick Oxley for your continued support and allowing us to film in your gallery, and big thanks again to Ricoh Imaging UK for commissioning and organising the shoot. Do click on the above and have a look as and when you have a mo…
Bill Ward
February 11, 2019
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