Edinburgh Science Fesitival 2022

I was delighted to be part of this year’s Edinburgh Science Festival which ran in Edinburgh, Scotland in the Spring. The Festival was the first, and remains one of the largest, science and technology festivals in Europe, and has a mission to inspire, encourage and challenge people of all ages and backgrounds to explore and understand the world around them.
Full exhibition programme and brochure here.
My photograph, Incoming Storm at Luskentyre, was part of an outdoor photography strand to the exhibition called Wild Scotland, an exploration of the power of nature, our relationship with it and our responsibilty for it, which was on display throughout April and May at Portobello Beach. Great stuff all round.

bill ward photography edinburgh science festival 2022 edscifest wild scotland exhibition portobello Incoming Storm Luskentyre
Bill Ward
June 14, 2022
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